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《Running wih the Wolves》專輯封面

【Running with the Wolves】




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《Runaway》《In Boxes》

《Little Boy in the Grass》









Aurora - Running with the Wolves


Go row the boat to safer grounds/划船避往 安全之地

But don't you know we're stronger now/但是現在 夠堅強了

My heart still beats and my skin still feels/心的躁動 帶到了表層



My lungs still breathe, my mind still fears/肺的起伏,彰顯恐懼

But we're running out of time/我們沒有時間了

All the echoes in my mind cry/眼淚會如實反映在 心底

There's blood on your lies/帶惡意 的蜚語


The scar is open wide/會逐漸 扯開傷疤  

There is nowhere for you to hide/沒有 地方 讓你 躲藏

The hunter's moon is shining/焦點 都在 你身上

《主詞hunter's moon》意旨「狩獵者的目光」




I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑

I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑

I'm running with the/一起奔馳吧


Trick or treat, what would it be?/假或真,怎麼區分?


I walk alone, I'm everything/要學著看,周遭一切



My ears can hear and my mouth can speak/聽聞採納 和發表意見

原意是指「我的耳朵能聽 我的嘴能說」  

My spirit talks, I know my soul believes/從觀點來說,我是深信不疑


But we're running out of time/但是沒有時間了

All the echoes in my mind cry/眼淚會如實反映在 心底

There's blood on your lies/帶惡意 的蜚語

The scar is open wide/會逐漸 扯開傷疤  

There is nowhere for you to hide/沒有 地方 讓你 躲藏

The hunter's moon is shining/焦點 都在 你身上


I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑

I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑



A gift, a curse, they track and hurt/是好,是壞,跟風 暗傷


Say can you dream in night seems a million of silent dreams 

/數以 萬計 叫不 出 的夢想 失去 了 信念


when hope is left so incomplete/這樣 你還作 的了 夢嗎


I'm running with the/一起逃跑吧

I'm running with the wolves/和狼群一起跑

I'm running with the/一起逃跑吧

I'm running with the/和狼群一起

I'm running with the/一起逃跑吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑

I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑

I'm running with the wolves tonight/今晚就和狼逃 走吧

I'm running with the wolves/和牠們一起跑


I'm running with the/就一起跑吧



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