














Aurora - Puppet


A dancing puppet doll made of wood/那隻在跳舞的 小木 偶

I bet he'd run away one day if he could choose to leave or stay

/假如他有得選 的話 我賭 他一 定會逃走

he's got a string attached to every bone/線的一頭囚禁著 他的一 切

《過去分詞string attached》意旨「綁定、限制、束縛、附帶條件」


She's got him round her little finger so she'll never feel alone

/主控權掌握在她手中 她沒那麼孤獨了


Oh sometimes I wonder did it go/喔 有時我真的好好 奇


《補語did it go》意旨「…怎麼樣了?、…進展如何?」

When lots of men had caused his soul/那些心願 都實現了嗎


Dreaming of a wonderland, wakes up and he's a man/不著實際的做著, 變成人的美夢

《Dreaming of a wonderland》意旨「做了一個美輪美奐的夢」

《動詞wakes up》意旨「起床、醒來、回到現實」

Oh sometimes I wonder did it go/喔 有時我真的好好 奇

When lots of men had caused his soul/那些願望 都實現了嗎

Dreaming of a wonderland, wakes up and he's a man不著實際的做著, 變成人的美夢

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 玩弄別人的感 情

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 操控男人的心 理

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 奪下他人的一 切

Oh taking control over his mind/喔 主權凌駕在他之 上


The day of leaving her has struck his mind/記憶就停留在 告別的那 刻

When he sees smile, he's hypnotized and he can't leave her behind

/她只要嶄露,笑容就會讓 他迷的 神魂顛倒

Looking to his left, there's the door/其實 他還有,其 它選擇


No need to try tried it once before and the bounds tied him beneath[1] the floor

/它不用再 被屢屢考驗也不會再被限制一切

beneath the floor意旨「地下、暗地裡、私生活

try tried it once意旨「一再嘗試、 屢屢考驗


Oh sometimes I wonder did it go/喔 有時我真的好好 奇

When lots of men had caused his soul/那些願望 都實現了嗎

Dreaming of a wonderland, wakes up and he's a man不著實際的做著, 變成人的美夢

Sometimes I wonder did it go/有時我真的好好 奇

When lots of men had caused his soul/那些願望 都實現了嗎

Dreaming of a wonderland, wakes up and he's a man不著實際的做著, 變成人的美夢

Oh she's taking control over another man's mind/喔 她一而再的 玩弄別人的感 情

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 操控男人的心 理

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 奪下他人的一 切

Oh taking control over his mind/喔 主權凌駕在他之 上


When they were out to buy her wedding-gown/他們開口要替 她買婚 紗

She wanted nothing but the dress over a hundred thousand pound

/別的 不選 她就要選超過十萬的禮 服


what she wants she gets, or she will cry/一定要給她, 不然她會

Hits the man with her umbrella, she'll continue till' he dies/用 傘打她另一伴 直到他死為止


Sometimes I wonder did it go/喔 有時我真的好好 奇

When lots of men had caused his soul/那些願望 都實現了嗎

Dreaming of a wonderland, wakes up and he's a man不著實際的做著, 變成人的美夢

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一再的去 玩弄別人的感 情

Taking control over his mind/主權凌駕在他之 上

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 玩弄別人的感 情

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 操控男人的心 理

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 奪下他人的一 切

Oh taking control over his mind/喔 主權凌駕在他之 上

oh ah

Over another man's mind/玩弄別人的感情

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 操控男人的心 理

Oh taking control over another man's mind/喔 一而再的 奪下他人的一 切

Oh taking control over his mind/喔 主權凌駕在他之 上















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