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Aurora - Awakening


With a tiny rope and a bag of stones and all heartbroken wishingbone

/用一小段繩 綑綁住一袋 滿是悲傷 的許願石

She's going in, she's going home/帶它回到,回到家中

Oh this little golden eye/這雙金色的眼眸

Fighting heavy day behind the light/獨自面對了所有壓力

behind the light意旨「背著光暗地獨自」

Behind the light/獨自承受


Walking faster down the street red eyes and no shoes on her feet

/在凌晨時 光著腳 沿著路走在街道上

red eyes意旨「深夜、凌晨」

Going on this journey determent to complete/這趟無法順 利 前進的旅程

This is farewell, this is goodnight/就這麼結束,就此說晚安

The last time she will see the daylight/在最後 撇見到了日 出

See the daylight/見到日 出


And she's going on a journey/她將踏 上 新的旅程

Always walking down the road/沿著道 路走下去

And the water is always calling/眼淚卻 一直在哭喊

My little child, please come home/我的愛,請回家吧


That's when she went away/她就這樣走 了  

Away from the light of day/在光天化日 之下

Standing by the riverside patiently waiting for the tide to come along

/ 耐心地 在這等待 河岸邊潮水相聚的 那個時刻

To come along/相聚時刻

The water going through feet and on her body wind so cold and sweet

/水流越過她的腳 溫柔地 風是如此的寒冷

going through意旨「穿過...」

So cold and sweet/甜蜜刺骨


And she's going on a journey/她將踏 上 新的旅程

Always walking down the road/沿著道 路走下去

And the water is always calling/眼淚卻 一直在哭喊

My little child, please come home/我的愛,請回家吧

And the stars were brightly shining/星空在 綻放著光芒

When she reached out they were gone/伸手去 碰卻勾不著

And the water started calling/眼淚開 始在哭喊著

My little child, please come home/我的愛,請回家吧


Feel the water in her body, water's never going out/感受身 體裡的流動,水絕對流不出去 



And she's going on a journey/她將踏 上 新的旅程

Always walking down the road/沿著道 路走下去

And the water is always calling/眼淚卻 一直在哭喊

My little child, please come home/我的愛,請回家吧

And the stars were brightly shining/星空在 綻放著光芒

When she reached out they were gone/伸手去 碰卻勾不著

And the water started calling/眼淚開 始在哭喊著

My little child, please come home/我的愛,請回家吧

When shiny light hit her eye/當她看見 那束光

And she turned around and climbed towards the sky/她便轉過身 向天空攀爬而去

Towards the sky/攀上天空


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