the end of the world

Skeeter Davis

史琪特 ‣ 黛維斯










1963年於《Star Route》演唱



Skeeter Davis—The End Of The World


Why does the sun go on shining?/太 陽為何 依然照耀?

Why does the sea rush to the shore?/海 為何依 然湧進岸上?

Don't they know it's the end of the world/難 道 沒 人懂這 是末日

Cause you don't love me anymore?/因為 你 已不 再愛我


Why do the birds go on singing?/鳥 兒為何 依然在唱?

Why do the stars glow above?/星 為何依 然在發光?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?/難 道 沒 人懂這 是末日

It ended when I lost your love./當失去 你的愛 就 完了。


I wake up in the morning and I wonder .Why everything's the same as it was.

不明的 從睡夢中 清醒過來。為何一切 就如同從前。

I can't understand, no I can't understand.How life goes on the way it does!

我無 法明白,不我無 法明白。生命 為 何 一如往常!

Why does my heart go on beating?/心 為何依 然在跳動?

Why do these eyes of mine cry?/雙 眼為何依 然在哭?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?/難 道 沒 人懂這 是末日

It ended when you said good-bye./你的道 別就是  劇終。

    創作者 玖九捌時一 的頭像


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