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 【I Had a Dream】

















Aurora—I Had a Dream


Last night I had a dream that we were fighting/昨 晚 我們快 要大打出手

Cause we had different ways in wrong rhyme/只 因 為 生活上 的小 事



And as the words ran out and you were shouting/你用 盡了詞狂 對著我叫囂

I saw there would be no peace in here tonight/我知道 今晚不會 平靜 下來


Then I dreamt we both lost in the end/夢裏 我 們都失去 初衷了

Well,you proved your point but now you've lost a friend/喔,你說的都對 別人說的都錯

The light we used to live has reached the end/我們只會在意別人的目光


And we both want to smile back/渴望得到好的反響



though I pretend/即使是裝的

Oh I pretend/虛偽的

Ah, I had a dream/我夢到了

Oh, I had a dream/我夢到了

Oh Ah

But it all just seemed so real/但它就像是真的


But it all seems to be longing for this glory/這一切似乎都是為了虛榮

To get the fame and fortune of our own/為了得到名利與財富

But will we in the end be satisfied?/但是這樣就滿足了嗎?

《in the end》意旨「最後、整件事情的結尾

When we're living in our glory,all alone?/沉浸在自我感覺良好中,獨自的?

And this night I had a dream that we were running


Running far away from our mistakes/跑遠離各自的過錯

We were blaming others for the wrongs we made/我們在自責犯下的錯誤

And then we were down because we were not the one paid



Ah, I had a dream/我夢到了

Oh, I had a dream/我夢到了

Oh, I had a sweet/那甜蜜的

But it all just seemed so real/但它就像是真的


One night I had a dream a man hit his woman/我夢見那男人在打他的女人

Cause she was standing in the way and he was drunk/因她擋住了路而且他喝醉了

And every Monday morning she was brave when the man drive far away inside his truck/當星期一的早晨男人 開卡車離去她便無所畏懼

Woa Ah


But tonight I had a dream that we were just watching


All devastating things this world can bear/世界在承擔所有的災難

We could feel the lighted way over here/在這我們能感覺到目光

But when it didn't us concern, we didn't care/但就算沒了視線我們也不在乎

No we wouldn't lift a finger for the lost ones/不我們不想為了失去的動手

We wouldn't give money to the poor/我們不想將錢給窮人

Our happiness has come in shape of gold/我們的幸福取決於財富


And we forget what's truly worth living for/我們忘了什麼是生命的價值


Ah, I had a dream/我夢到了

I had a dream/我夢到了

Oh,I had this dream/我夢到了

Oh Ah

But it all just seemed so real/但它就像是真的

It seemed so real/就像真的

Just seemed so real/如此真實

It seemed so real/就像真的

I have these dreams and they seem so real/我的這些夢就像真的

And they seem so much more to me than just dreams/他們遠超出只是夢境而已


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